“Actuate your Business”

1-on-1 Coaching

Your ticket to transformation. A customized-for-you plan with specific to-do’s and we're here to guide you through the journey of revitalizing your brand, empowering visionary leadership, and optimizing your operations.

What to Expect:

Strategic Partnership and Tailored Guidance:

Partner with us for strategic insights and tailored guidance. Drawing from extensive experience as an 8-figure business owner and leader, we collaborate to refine your brand essence, bolster leadership skills, and optimize business systems, ensuring sustained success.

Strategic 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions:

Our private coaching sessions delve deeply into every aspect critical for growth. From strategic planning to system optimization, each session serves as a catalyst for transformation, tailored to your specific needs and organizational objectives.

Direct Messaging Support for Immediate Impact:

Experience direct messaging support beyond scheduled calls for immediate check-ins and valuable feedback. Foster rapid mindset shifts, enable strategic planning adjustments, and ensure unwavering progress towards your envisioned milestones.

Unrestricted Comprehensive Access to Resources:

Access a trove of exclusive courses, live events, and supplementary materials crafted to fortify your organization's path towards growth. Elevate your business with tools and guidance necessary for transcending limitations and leaping towards unparalleled success.e difference.

Tailored Coaching Designed for Success

  1. Meticulously crafted coaching for CEOs and executive teams

  2. Specifically designed for businesses transitioning from $500K to $10 million revenue and beyond

  3. Personalized approach for CEOs and executives contemplating the next phase of their business

  4. Focus on fortifying brand impact, strengthening leadership capabilities, and optimizing business systems

  5. Tailored sessions to navigate towards exponential growth and sustainable success

Program Highlights

  • A simple but Thorough Focus

    Elevate Your Brand

    Create a brand that deeply connects with your audience

    Foster customer loyalty and market recognition

    Empower Visionary Leadership

    Develop leadership skills to inspire innovation and sustainable growth

    Guide your team towards shared success

    Optimize Operational Strategies

    Implement strategies to streamline processes and reduce costs

    Establish a solid foundation for future expansion and adaptability

  • A Simple but Proven Program

    Customized Structure and Accountability

    Personalized plan tailored to your goals and needs

    Breakdown into actionable to-do lists

    Accountability to stay focused and on track

    Stretching Beyond Comfort Zones

    Encouragement to expand your horizons

    Pushing boundaries for growth and innovation

    Comprehensive Support and Feedback

    Guidance in business, strategy, marketing, sales, and mindset

    Continuous feedback and support at every step

    Authentic Self-Discovery and Leadership

    Exploration of your authentic self

    Cultivation of leadership qualities

    Exemplification of possibilities and abundance by the coach

Tangibly, my goal for you?

  • Mentally enjoy your business!!!!

  • Help you get to your next monthly revenue level, minimum.

  • Reach your monthly KPI’s and goals

“Kevin is” A leader who consistently steers towards achieving productive outcomes. His contributions to our group have imparted valuable education and guidance, setting us on a path towards a more focused thought process and igniting the motivation needed to accomplish our tasks.

— Carol G.

Working alongside Kevin was a tremendous learning experience. He possessed an exceptional problem-solving ability, and I never encountered a challenge that he couldn't help overcome.

-Justin S.

What to expect from me

🎯 Personalized Coaching: I’ll always tell it to you straight, even if it’s not the “easy” thing to say.

📈 Actionable Strategies: I’m unapologetic about the pursuit of excellence, and I’ll challenge you to do the same. Because I believe we need more unapologetic, high-integrity excellence in the world.

🤝 Expert Guidance: We’ll stay humble, work hard, and NEVER give up.

📆 Genuine Commitment: And we’ll have the adventure of a lifetime together as long as you care to stick around.

What I need from you!

We need to Build Trust and Insight:

To forge a successful partnership, open and honest communication is key. Include me in your conversations, emails, and moments of deep reflection. Transparency is the foundation upon which we build a transformative journey together.

We need Commitment to Transformation:

Your commitment to investing both time and resources is crucial for realizing the envisioned transformation. Remember, this is an investment. Statistics highlight a significant return on investment not just in monetary terms but also in the time dedicated to the coaching process. Your dedication paves the way for the impactful results you seek.

Actuate 1-on-1 Coaching:

Here is what you get as a coaching client:

  1. Two Monthly 1-on-1 Virtual Calls for Transformative Coaching: Personalized sessions delving into the core areas of your business brand, leadership, and operations. Through detailed analysis and calculated strategies, these sessions are designed to bring about transformation and tangible results in your business journey.

  2. Continuous Personal Support: Direct messaging for quick check-ins, questions, feedback, and brainstorming between calls, ensuring ongoing mentorship.

  3. Access to Exclusive Content: Complete access to all created materials during our partnership, including courses and live events, designed for your growth journey.

The Investment:

  • $4,000 per month for 6 months (min)

  • $20,000 (one-time 6mo payment)

Our coaching offer is precisely crafted to guide CEOs and executive teams through the critical transitions towards substantial growth and success. Join Business Actuators, LLC, and let's embark on this transformative journey together to propel your company toward new horizons.

How it works

  1. Sign up below to schedule a Zoom Call

  2. It begins with a discovery Call

    To kickstart your journey with some high-octane coaching that will dive into your business, pinpoint opportunities, and set an agenda that is tailored to your business's unique needs, ensuring lasting solutions that resonate.

  3. A mutual agreement leads to Onboarding and coaching.

    Our detailed business analysis is the key. We'll dissect every facet of your operations, from brand perception to leadership dynamics. Your customized action plan will redefine your path to success. This comprehensive roadmap covers brand, leadership, and operations with unmatched detail. The direction you need to witness the evolution of your business into an industry powerhouse.

Are you ready to actuate your business's full potential?

Take the first step toward transformation by filling out the form below to schedule a free introductory call.

Let's redefine your success story together.